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contoh kalimat charles barkley

"charles barkley" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Over there fucking Charles Barkley.
    Sebelah sana Charles Barkley.
  • You're not Charles Barkley.
    Kau bukan Charles Barkley.
  • You do realize that Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby do not agree on the issues surrounding the case right?
    Anda menyadari bahwa Charles Barkley dan Bill Cosby tidak setuju pada isu-isu seputar kasus hak?
  • In the accompanying write-up by Charles Barkley, Nash was lauded for his unselfishness on the basketball court, and being "just a nice guy" who had paid for a new pediatric cardiology ward in a Paraguayan hospital.
    Dalam tulisan terlampir oleh Charles Barkley, Nash dipuji karena kerendahan hatinya di lapangan basket, dan sebagai "pria yang baik" yang membayar sebuah bangsal pediatric cardiology di rumah sakit Paraguay.
  • Before the season, several commentators, including Bill Simmons and Dick Vitale, predicted that Yao would fail in the NBA, and Charles Barkley said he would "kiss ass" if Yao scored more than 19 points in one of his rookie-season games.
    Sebelum musim tersebut, beberapa komentator, termasuk Bill Simmons dan Dick Vitale, memperkirakan bahwa Yao akan gagal di NBA, dan Charles Barkley berkata bahwa ia akan "mencium pantat " jika Yao mendapatkan lebih dari 19 poin dalam salah satu pertandingan musim awalnya.